VR Hammer Hand Game

VR Hammer Hand Game

Project Overview: During the week, I worked with James and Caleb in a Game Jam, and we used Unity to design and develop a VR game, which chopped and converted objects to get points and change better weapons, therefore, bringing a sense of joy to the elimination

My Role: XR Designer & Developer

Duration: 1 Week

Project Time: March 2022

Core Gameplay Overview

Score: Points for destroying Objects, the bigger the object, the more points you score. Destroy things faster using more powerful weapons.

I.e. hand can destroy a fruit with one swing but needs ten swings to eliminate a tree. if hands upgrade to hammer > requires only five swings, increasing with tools/objects

Camera: XR Rig, main camera, hands/tools in front

Player: moves in all directions, walk/run, no teleportation, jumping with gravity

Hammer Hand Game Design

Player Experience: Nimble, Agile, Intense

Core Mechanic: Chop & Collect Points

Core Game Loop: within 3 mins, get more points

Art Styles: low poly, light, fun, bright, cartoony

MVP Features

VR Environment Setup: Connecting with Oculus and Unity; Importing hand assets and connecting them to the controller; Importing scene – polygon natural pack.

  1. Chop & Move: Adjust the frequency of hand waving, the direction and speed of movement to prevent motion sickness
  2. Chop AssetsSet assets that can be chopped to appear randomly in the scene
  3. Score Mechanic: Health Bar, Tools Upgrades and Switching from hand, hammer, mallet, sledgehammer and clown hammer